What a Journey!

Forever is composed of nows. - Emily Dickinson

Have you ever been so intently focused on a goal that you forgot to enjoy the process of getting to it? Next thing you know, you’re looking around in disbelief and muttering, “That’s it?”

As satisfying and enjoyable as the outcome can be, the journey itself is what can really get us pumped up! Focusing too hard on the outcome ensures that we miss out on many great insights and opportunities that appear between now and then.

The truth is there really isn’t any past, present or future. In fact, some theories claim that all three are happening simultaneously. It seems impossible, but one thing we know for sure: our entire lives are composed of a very long string of “nows.”

Like right now, and now, and now. Each moment is a glimmering gem of opportunity to experience feelings of joy, excitement, happiness and love. You may not think this is so important, but when you’re working on creating something beautiful in your life don’t you want to be able to remember it fondly?

Imagine reaching the end of your life without a single recollection of the things you experienced. Imagine not being able to remember all the love you gave and received, all the laughter you shared, all the moments of amazement and awe. How would you know whether the journey was worthwhile? What an incredible loss that would be.

The journey to our goals is just as important because we not only move from one place to another, we transform from one person into another throughout the process. If we spend too much time looking forward or backwards, we’ll completely miss what we’re doing right now. Make sure you take time to enjoy your journey.

Make sure you are pausing to look around and open your eyes from time to time. Not only can this help you notice more great opportunities, it can make the journey require less effort too.

Instead of keeping your head down, legs pumping furiously to get where you’re going, you will be strolling happily along with a smile on your face and your shoulders relaxed. Big difference!

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