Can You Believe It?

Face what you think you believe and you will be surprised. - William Hale White

You may be familiar with the concept that your beliefs create your reality, but have you explored this idea further? What does it really mean that your beliefs create your reality?

A belief is a thought that has been repeated in your mind so many times that you know it to be “true.” Sometimes the things we believe really are true, but other times we have tricked ourselves into believing something is true, even if it isn’t. These illusory “truths” are reinforced because our actions day to day actually create “proof” that reinforces the belief.

Take, for example, a belief that you are not strong enough or talented enough to achieve the success and abundance you crave. If you believe this about yourself, you will feel no incentive to try to be successful so you will avoid taking action on the things that could make you successful.

If you do somehow manage to ignore your self-doubt and start working toward a bigger goal, the slightest obstacle you encounter will convince you that your original belief was correct: you don’t have what it takes!

Your every thought and action will be putting forth an energy into the universe that says, “I want to be successful and happy. Wait, never mind, I can’t be successful and happy. What was I thinking?” The universe then starts pulling back the opportunities and abundance you asked for. You have now cemented the belief in your mind because you can’t seem to make any progress, so surely you must NOT be worthy of the things you desire.

In order to alter your limiting beliefs (whether about success, money or anything else) you need to be willing to question their validity. You need to be willing to face the fears you have, the self-doubts, the beliefs that you are not worthy of whatever you desire, and find out WHY you believe those things.

Once you are fully aware of your limiting beliefs, it’s a simple matter to begin changing them and replacing them with more affirmative beliefs. The good news is that once you start to question your beliefs and act differently, you eventually create “proof” that the new belief is true – which eradicates the old, limiting belief!

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