That “Someday” Is Right NOW!

Do what you can, with what you have, where you are. - Theodore Roosevelt

Are you still holding back on your dreams because you’re waiting for some internal or external set of circumstances that will make it easier for you to proceed? Maybe you’re waiting until you feel confident enough to take the plunge, or maybe you’re trying to save up enough money to fund your dream.

Maybe you have a unique set of circumstances that seem to limit your ability to move forward – or maybe you’re just making excuses because you are scared to move forward.

The truth is, “someday” never comes. There is no someday! There is only NOW. It’s important to understand that YOU are the one who is choosing to believe that you can’t move forward until . . . something else happens. You have created that illusion in your life.

In order to free yourself from your self-imposed prison, you have to commit to moving forward now. I know, I know, there are reasons why you can’t, and those reasons may very well seem rock-solid and legitimate. But rather than see them as unyielding truth, why not try to find a way to move forward on SOME aspect of your dreams, instead of waiting for the magic password that will unlock the opportunities you wait for.

Consider this: even if your existing limitations were removed right now, today, you would very likely find another excuse. Your unwillingness to move forward has nothing to do with your external circumstances and everything to do with your own lack of determination to make it happen.

There will never be a more perfect time to create the desires of your heart. There will never be a moment in time that holds as many opportunities for you as this one does right now.

Let go of your fears and take a step forward! Ignore those limitations that try to stop you. Ignore the self-doubt, the fear, the uncertainty and just MOVE. If you can’t do it all, do something. Start small. But start.

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