Become a Door-Builder Extraordinaire!

If opportunity doesn't knock, build a door. - Milton Berle

Are you still waiting for opportunity to knock on your door? Do you even have a door? When we’re born, each of us has unlimited doors available...

These “doors” are symbols for the many potential pathways we can travel throughout our lifetime. We may not use all of them, but they are there if we decide we want to. However, during the course of our lives, many of us become frightened by what may be lurking behind those doors.

We haven’t opened them to peek because we’re sure it must be something scary – so we lock the door tight, board it up, and shove heavy furniture in front of it. Even if opportunity DID knock, we wouldn’t be able to find the door, let alone open it.

If you want to turn your life into something miraculous, start building doors like crazy! You can either clear the ones you’ve blocked in the past, or grab a saw, some nails and a hammer and start building new ones! Instead of waiting for opportunities to come to you, go to them. Stop waiting for the right opportunity to float by; jump up and grab one you like!

Did you know that one of the definitions of opportunity is, “a chance for advancement”? It doesn’t have to be something mind-blowing or a once in a lifetime chance – just A chance! Think about where you are right now, figure out where you’d like to go next, and start moving in that direction! That’s all that’s required to build a door!

Simply be proactive about inviting more opportunities into your life. All it takes to create a great opportunity is: an open mind, an open heart, an optimistic attitude, and the willingness to take action. When you begin to do this on a regular basis, you can’t NOT attract opportunities. Some of them might be small opportunities; some may be astounding opportunities that few people get to experience.

Grab hold of the ones that make your heart leap in excitement and make the most of them. Someday, you’ll look back and realize that you are no longer playing a victim role, and instead have become a door-builder extraordinaire!

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