Taking Actions That Matter The Most!

The essential question is not, "How busy are you?" but "What are you busy at?" - Oprah Winfrey

It is easy to trick ourselves into believing that we’re working hard on our goals, while simultaneously avoiding taking action on the things that count. We find it easy to plan, prepare and dream about the day when our goals come to fruition, but maybe not so easy to actually take action and move toward them.

In order to create real results in our lives, we need to take focused, consistent action. Yes, there will always be little things that need to be done too, but those should be secondary to the actions that get results.

Taking action is scary; let’s not kid ourselves on that point. We need to have the courage to face possible rejection, ridicule or even worse – poor results. We need to be willing to face the possibility of failure, which is often our worst fear. What if we take action and nothing happens?

What if our results are terrible? What if people laugh at us, or we find out we don’t have what it takes to succeed? These fears are often enough to shove us into a false sense of focus. We promise ourselves that we’ll take action “someday” but in the meantime we’ve got all this other stuff that needs to be done first. We’ve got to plan and prepare, then plan and prepare some more.

In the meantime, we keep dreaming of that great day when our goals will be realized, not acknowledging that they won’t EVER be realized unless we get off our butts and do something to make them happen.

Today, be willing to do that which others won’t do. Work hard at the right actions to create the results you want. Be willing to face your fears and push through any self-doubt you have.

If the results you get from these initial actions aren’t great, keep doing them anyway! See if you can refine any steps and then do them better next time.

It is only through taking action that you will be able to master whatever you’re doing. Thinking about it is a good first step, but it cannot be the final one.

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