Ask Yourself A Question!

Would you believe that one of the most powerful possible motivation exercises consists of nothing more than asking yourself a single question?

It’s true. Training yourself to have a brief internal dialog at the right times can be a great way to stay on track as you pursue your goals.

Here’s how it works. Think about the most fundamental reasons why you have decided to make a better life for yourself. After you isolate those reasons, begin to ask yourself whether the actions you are considering will help you toward that aim.

For instance, someone involved in a weight loss plan might, when presented with an opportunity to consume some patently unhealthy food, ask himself or herself whether doing so will really help them be a healthier or happier person?

It sounds almost too obvious to work, but it does. Asking a “filter question” forces conscious decisions, this increases the likelihood of acting consistently with our carefully chosen goals.

A few well-placed questions can serve as a strong motivational exercise that will help you stay on track as you build a better life.

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